Following are areas of our organisation and industry which we take very seriously. If you have any questions relting to any of the topics listed below, then please contact us here.
Modern Slavery Act 2015 Statement
We are committed to running our business responsibly and maintaining a high standard of ethical trade practices in accordance with our Ethical Sourcing Guidelines, which outline in detail our policies and practices in recognising and preventing modern slavery in our supply chain. Click here to read more…
Occupational Health & Safety Policy Statement
Our purpose is to improve and maintain the standard of occupational health and safety within Pioneer 10 Pty Limited (trading as P10 Group), and to ensure the development of occupational health and safety policy is considered a joint venture between both management and our staff. Click here to read more…
Privacy Statement
Read our full privacy statement here…
IT and Data Security
We value the relationship we have with our clients, suppliers and partners, and we appreciate their cooperation in reporting instances of suspected fraud. We remind our clients, suppliers and partners that there are a variety of ways online attackers may attempt to gain access to information to exploit and for financial gain. Click here to read more…